Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Teaching English

We agreed to teach a small class one day each week at a local university.  Many of the students are christian.  The first day 37 came to class!  Needless to say, we needed help so we brought two native english speaking missionaries with us to the second class.  The goal was to have four small groups so we could work one on one practicing pronunciation and conservation.  Seventy-Five showed up!  So we now have six missionaries helping us.  We would not be able to teach this  class without the help of the missionaries.  They speak very good indonesian and are able to help the students understand what we are teaching.  We are teaching with six workgroups.  The postitive to all this is the students are eager to learn and thank us after each class.

This is Elder Kujanpaa.  He is from Utah.  The young ladies are quite taken with him.  He is 6'8"!  Only a small number of the young women are taller than Gail and most of the young men are only slightly taller then her. 
This is Sister Canty.  She is from Colorado.  She is 5'10".  Young Indonesians like to have their picture taken with tall foreigners.  After our second class, the students took many pictures with each of us.
This is my group.  I'm as surprized as each of you that I am teaching english!
This is Elder Johnson from Idaho.

This is Sister Hunt.  She is from American Samoa.  English is her native language. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sightseeing in Jakarta with Senior Missionaries

Recently some of the Senior Missionaries who serve in areas outside of Jakarta came to have their "papers" renewed at the immigration office.  While in town we went to the National Museum and the National Monument (MONAS).  The museum is two multi story buildings.  There were rooms of gold, porcelain, jewels, fabric/cloth, etc.  In many of the areas we were not allowed to take pictures.

This is the statue area.  Gail and I are in the back.
Legend has that this stone was used to determine if you should live.  They poured water over the top, it ran down the front and out the spout/hole at the bottom.  If you drank the water and lived, you were considered loyal, and were allowed to live. 
Puppet shows are very popular.  We were told that a show can last for hours and the people just get up, get refreshments, sleep, visit, etc. throughout the show.
 MONAS was built to commemorate Indonesia's independence.  Following are a few pictures from the top.  Yes, the pollution is bad!


This is the largest mosque in Indonesia and reportedly one of the five largest in the world. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fire in the City

Went to an area of the city that had a fire Thursday evening.  Estimate is around one hundred families were effected.  We took some of the hygiene kits I discussed in a previous post.  The people were very appreciative.  Following are some pictures of the area.


Metal being taken for recycling.

Local govenment group helping with clean up. 
One of the many women helping with the cleaning up.

Superman watching the action!

The burned out area is back down one of these small walkways.  Not even wide enough for a car. 
Unloading the supplies provided by the church.

Gail handing out stickers to the children.