We recently attended a graduation ceremony for the university where we teach. We weren't sure why since our students are first year. But we went to represent the Church. The ceremony started at 8am and lasted between 5-6 hours non stop! They did provide snacks and water during the ceremony and a nice lunch after. Besides numerous speakers, they had two choirs and some Indonesian dancers. Some of our students were in one of the choirs and some were attendants. They were very pleased to see us. At the end of the ceremony we were recognized for our work with the university and given a gift of appreciation. It is very positive for a university to have "native speaking" English people as part of the staff. After the ceremony, the owner of the university personally thanked us for our service. Many of the universities in Indonesia are privately owned.

This is someone who wants to be the next president of Indonesia. Notice the man standing to the right---he stood there the entire time. You can't see it, but there is a carving of a bird on the top of his staff.
The Master of Ceremonies
These young ladies are in our English class--they serviced as attendants.
The dresses worn by most of the ladies was of this style--very elaborate!
One of the choirs.
This young lady is in our English class. She is one of the better English speakers. They love to have their pictures taken with tall white foreigners.
The dancers
Very elaborate costumes!
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